Mary Catherine Matuska Pro-Life

The Mary Catherine Matuska Pro-Life Endowment supports parish and community-based pro-life activities in memory of Mary and her great love of caring for mothers and children. Mary was a long-time statewide pro-life leader who passed away in 2019.
The fund provides grants to pro-life activities including advocacy against abortion, healing ministries, prayer groups, and other related efforts that build a greater appreciation for the sanctity of life. Grant applications are reviewed by the CDMF’s Grant Review Committee.
This fund was made possible through the generosity of a fellow pro-life activist and friend of Mary's.
"I'd like Mary's passion for serving babies and their moms (and her incredible love for Jesus) to live on as we continue our efforts to build a Culture of Life."
Mary Catherine Matuska
Mary Catherine Matuska was a co-founder of the Stateline Pregnancy Helpline in Beloit (now named Willow Women's Center) and co-founder of Pro-Life Wisconsin. Mary was involved in all three parishes in the Beloit area, St. Jude, Our Lady of the Assumption, and St. Thomas (serving as a parishioner, religious education director, parish council member, and many other roles). Through her active involvement, outreach, and ever-present love for others she was a role model to many. She served faithfully in the Diocese for many years.
2022 Pro-Life Grant
The Matuska fund is honored to sponsor a Pro-Life Summit for the Diocese of Madison with a $1,200 grant from the fund.
The event includes Mass offered by Bishop Hying of Madison and talks geared toward support of life at the local and national levels, with opportunities for connecting with others from across the diocese to join efforts and discuss best practices.
For more information about the summit visit madisondiocese.org/lifesummit